Rabbi Yitzchak Lasry

Learn - Connect - Inspire

Learn with Passion

The place of education and inspiration and self development.
Personal and relationship And connection to your Heritage.


Jewish Life Services


Onilne Courses

You can enroll here to the foundational course of study that will guide you through Rabbi Lasry’s step-by-step blueprint for building the marriage and life of your dreams. And for your journey of your conversion.

Rabbi Lasry

Online videos classes about for Conversion to Judaism Jewish history, holidays , Shabbat, Kosher, Prayers, and more.

Rabbi Lasry

Online classes about Relatioship and marriage, learning the fundamental tools for healthy and happy marriage.

Rabbi Lasry

Learn about your self and your Potantial, Tools for success and self-development from the Jewish sources, life Talmud, Kabbalah, and Hassidut.

Jewish Life Services

Jewish life Services By Rabbi Lasry, who Certify by the Rabbinical in Israel. can guide you and Serve you in your Occasion. like Bar Mitzvah Preparation, And Wedding Ceremony, Marriage Consulting. Or other services in his Sephardic Bet Din. Judaism Recognition Conversion, Gittin (Divorce), and more.

Preparing your son for Bar Mitzvah, Torah Reading with the Te’aMim , Moroccan, Yerushalmi, Or Ashkenazy. Learing how to put Tefillin & Tzitzit , and the Prayers in the Siddur.

you want to get Married? Mazal tov!! you got to the Right place. Rabbi Lasry has certify by the Rabaniccal in israel. his Chupot has known as the very emotional and exited moment.

Book an in-person or virtual session with Rabbi Lasry who specializes in relationships issues. Free consultation for 30 Min

South Florida Sephardic Bet Din By Rabbi Yitzchak Lasry. The Beth Din deals with: Marriage Authorisations, Orthodox Conversions, Gittin (Religious divorce), Clarification of Judaism.
